M2A Capsule Endoscopy Procedure Transcription Sample Report

Scattered red specks throughout the small bowel suggestive of small bowel arteriovenous malformations. No evidence of active bleeding.
M2A capsule endoscopy.
SURGEON:  John Doe, MD
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:  After an overnight fast, informed consent was obtained from the patient explaining the risks, benefits and possible complications of M2A capsule endoscopy. The patient expressed understanding and agreed to undergo the procedure. Informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the endoscopy suite and placed on appropriate monitors and swallowed the M2A capsule. The patient swallowed the capsule without complications. The total gastric passage time was 12 minutes. The total small bowel passage time was 2 hours and 30 minutes. The cecum was reached. Within the small bowel, there were a few scattered reddish specks which were thought to represent small bowel arteriovenous malformations. No evidence of active bleeding was identified. The blood indicator was positive on several occasions. However, no source of active gastrointestinal bleeding was identified. The cecum, as described above, was reached.
IMPRESSION:  Scattered red specks throughout the small bowel suggestive of small bowel arteriovenous malformations. No evidence of active bleeding.  There is no evidence of active gastrointestinal bleeding on this examination. Multiple red areas, which were suggestive of arteriovenous malformations, were identified.
At the present time, would recommend continuing to monitor the patient’s hemoglobin.